COTE - Citizen Of The Earth
Building Strong Family Together
Citizens of the Earth (COTE):
All systems begin with an idea. Therefore, it is by embracing the concept of "We are all citizens of the earth" that COTE aspires to togetherness and a commitment to serve others by building a strong community.
COTE understands that a strong community is only possible if founded on embracing individual rights (e.g., freedom of movement without borders or classifications that can be used as a tool for discrimination).
No matter where they live, Ethiopians embody the definition of community by collaborating and working together. The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” illustrates this characteristic. Similarly, the Ethiopian proverb “ድር ቢያብር አንበሳ ያሥር” (loosely translated: even cotton threads, if woven together, can bind a lion) attests to the power of community. The same can hold true for all Citizens of the Earth. read more....